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Identification of Plants

  • 5 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the importance of plant identification and taxonomy in various fields of study 2. Develop knowledge and skills in identifying plants using macroscopic and microscopic techniques. 3. Gain familiarity with the terminology and key features used in plant identification. 4. Learn to use plant keys and field guides to identify plants. 5. Identify common plant families and understand their distinguishing characteristics. 6. Understand the ecology and biogeography of plants and how it can aid in plant identification. 7. Recognize the uses and applications of plants and their identification features. 8. Develop an understanding of the importance of preserving plant biodiversity and the ethical considerations in plant identification and collection. 9. Apply the skills and knowledge gained in the course to identify a chosen plant and document the identification process.

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